Monday, November 7, 2011

Hidden Haunting Facts

coming up from a middle class family ...people have different stories to tell. i have mine too about today's experience and telling you this thing can not easily be ignored.

on this occasion of eid we see many people sacrificing their animal to learn how to sacrifice. but , in current context i guess things are getting tough and you gotta be there to see it . you will find so many interesting thing on the day of eid-ul-azha .because, there will be people coming to get the skin, people coming to get their part as part of the process and this is increasing at an alarming rate.

no offense to anyone, this is kind of getting our tradition and i guess we are enjoying the benefit of it .but, this is spreading like a disease. where neighbors ,disabled or really needy persons should get the privileged access for getting the share of the meat  ; we see the strong and stout ones are leading the way. the policy is getting better day by day. children are coming up with their family members even lone to be a part of this race. At present, it seems like we are sacrificing the people who really need our assistance and supporting those who are not worth it . are we doing the right thing? perhaps -"NO" we are not and this will not bring the actual value of the rituals that we perform. so, we should be careful enough to make a mark on whom are we helping and is that serving the real purpose of the day ? think about it .

what we are doing actually is making people  think that they are worthy for collecting and in any possible ways we will be collecting it . horrifying , i guess. because, indirectly we are promoting child labor and increasing the social violence due to this.

whom should we blame ? the government ? no, this is our own responsibility that we must establish with own will power and determination.

we are always telling about changing ourselves then why not from today? let's change the face of this earth and hopefully  from the very next eid we will be distributing and stretch our hands to those people who really deserve it :)

" why make enemies when you can be friendly ??" -Have a nice Eid 

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