Sunday, November 13, 2011

Matter of the Heart; Really Complicated

                       Matter of the heart; Really Complicated 

 Life is all about taking challenges. Now I think the most complicated situation for a man is while he/she is in a relationship. I am a dreamer. We dream for something better, something positive to happen.
Actually what are the positive things? Things that we like to happen to us can be regarded as positive things.

 Well, drifting away from the main theme.

The most important thing that parents are unaware of is that the really cutting edge technology. Can we consider a world without Google? No, no way around.  Because, our life is so filled with complicacy that we do not want it to face the hard thing.  And that is where Google comes into play.
Love- a vast thing. How do you define it? May be something that is extra; or may be something that you dream to get. Whatever love is, one thing for sure. It is a driving factor.

Being a student and falling in love is like doing everything subconsciously and loving consciously.  And the common scenario in Bangladesh is that you do not get the job before graduation.  so, if you even try to get a girl, make sure you either have a good job or you have something to run your life.

Another thing is that what will you do? Do you get your dreams come true? Not always is the answer. So, again you are fighting for your survival. It all started with a matter of heart. See, how complicated it gets?

It’s nothing. Matter of the heart is really complicated.  In our social context we find it difficult that parents are liberal to their child’s relationship thing. Well, good for them. At least, we get to know how to behave when we grow up. But, will we? Or should we? I do not know. Do you? May be whatever they are doing is best for us; or maybe they are not getting the right message that you need to check things out.

Dear, challenges should be faced. But, sometimes your society and your surroundings make things worse for you to face it. That is why may be we do not do things that can change the course of life. That is why we are human being. We have two bad things. One is that we forget and another is that we have a heart. So, in many cases we forget that we have a heart and that is doing everything in case of decision making.

 Brain seems to be your hard disk, but your heart is like your search engine that directs you to your destiny.

Who says we become hopeless at times? We never become hopeless. Because, hope and faith are the things keeping us alive. May be one day, we all will be having a good time, but, on that day how many of us will recall these hard days? Time will say.

See, I am making things complicated. Don’t worry; your day will come when you will get your wishes coming true. But, matter of the heart; really complicated. Keep faith and hope for the best. And do believe that one day your day will come too.

Have a nice day....:)

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